Nunbell Deluxe Large Nail Clipper File Set

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SKU: 9297-277
Regular price $4.80 inc. GST

Nunbell is a company that specializes in providing high-quality pet care products. One of their best-selling items is the Deluxe Large Nail Clipper File Set. This set is designed to make it easy for pet owners to maintain the health and appearance of their pet's nails.

The set is particularly suitable for large dog breeds. The clippers are designed to make it easy to remove excess nail growth without causing discomfort to the pet. The file allows you to smooth out any rough edges and shape the nails to your desired length.

Keeping your pet's nails trimmed is important for their overall health and comfort. Overgrown nails can cause pain and discomfort, as well as increase the risk of injury. With the Nunbell Deluxe Large Nail Clipper File Set, you can keep your pet's nails tidy and healthy without having to take them to a professional groomer.

In conclusion, if you are a pet owner looking for a reliable and easy-to-use nail clipper set for your large dog breed, the Nunbell Deluxe Large Nail Clipper File Set is an excellent option. Its high-quality design, ease of use, and effectiveness make it a great investment for any pet owner who wants to keep their pet's nails in top shape.