Nature Island Stick Stack

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SKU: B15849
Regular price $16.00 inc. GST

The Nature Island Stick Stack is a simple yet effective addition to any pet bird's environment. Made from popsicle sticks and coconut husks, this eye-catching ornament not only adds a natural touch to your birdcage but also provides a fun and stimulating activity for your feathered friend.One of the biggest challenges of owning a pet bird is keeping them entertained and mentally stimulated. Boredom and destructive behaviors such as feather plucking can arise when birds are not given enough stimulation. The Nature Island Stick Stack helps to minimize these behaviors by encouraging foraging and play.This product is easy to hang inside your birdcage, and your pet bird will enjoy exploring and interacting with it. The coconut husks add an extra layer of intrigue as your bird will be enticed to peck and nibble at them. The popsicle sticks provide a sturdy structure for your bird to climb and perch on, making the Nature Island Stick Stack a versatile addition to any cage.Overall, the Nature Island Stick Stack is an excellent investment for any bird owner looking to provide their pet with a natural and stimulating environment. It is an affordable and easy-to-use product that will keep your pet bird entertained for hours on end, while also reducing destructive behaviors and promoting mental well-being. Size: 28x10m